A Note From The Health Office
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please if your child texts or calls you from school complaining of illness and asking to be picked up, call the George I Sanchez Health Office at (505) 253-0300 ex 3, and we can check if your child has been in the Health Office. We can also check your child if they have not been to the Health Office, and see if there is anything we can do to help. If your child is sent to the Health Office and parents are already here to pick up the child and they have not been seen by Health Office staff prior the absence will not be excused. If your child is sick and needs to be seen by a licensed health care provider there is a UNMH Health Clinic at Atrisco Heritage High School right next door, (505) 272-6009.
Also, if you are dropping your child off at school and you think they might be ill, please stop by the Health Office. The nurse can examine your child, take their temperature, and provide first aid.
- Parents are asked to please let our nurse know of any health problems that would affect their child's learning. Vision and hearing screenings are routinely done at the beginning of the school year for selected grade levels, or as needed.
- The State Health Department sets guidelines that schools must follow for the control of communicable diseases. One of these is a requirement that all students have current immunizations on file at school to be able to attend. Please be sure that our records are up-to-date on your student.
- If a child is sick or was sick the night before and is not completely well, they cannot perform and learn at their greatest potential please keep them home.
- APS has a medication policy to help control the use of medicines in the schools. Please do not send any prescription medication to school without an authorization form signed by the child's physician and parent. A note from the parent must accompany any over-the-counter medications. No child will be given any kind of medication at school without following APS procedures.
Please notify the Health Room staff of any changes in phone numbers. In an emergency, it is vital that we have current contact information.
State-mandated health screenings are performed on students at certain grade levels each school year. Any student who appears to have vision and/or hearing difficulties will be screened. If the student does not meet the passing criteria, the school nurse will notify the parent/guardian(s) and refer the student for further medical evaluation. Please do not hesitate to contact the health room if a problem exists.
Contact Information
Health Assistant
Annabelle Orellana Estrada,
Ext: 39618
Justine Ortiz, Ext: 39607
Dolores Vallez, Ext: 39774